
Through the years, education and style of teaching keeps changing. These innovations have seen people move from correspondence classes to computer based test and now online classes held on different virtual platforms. Students can now school anywhere in the world from the comfort of their homes.

The major force that is driving these innovations is technology which greatly benefits both the learner and the instructor. We can all attest to the fact that even online learning is not static; it keeps evolving on a daily basis.

This evolution is transforming education and it is being adopted by even government bodies. This is seen in the various initiatives that are carried out by these bodies. Click here to learn more about government initiatives that support digital learning.

In this article, we will explore the basics of virtual education, how it has defined access to learning and why people should embrace this innovation.

How Online Learning Platforms Redefine Education Access

Since online learning has come to stay in the educational sector, it is expected that more changes will happen in classes all around the world. In addition to that, more people both adults and children would have access to education.  In times past, one had to be in a brick and mortar classroom to access basic education but nowadays, that does not have to be the case.

With the proliferation of online learning platforms, students can access educational programs and degrees from schools that are miles or even continents away from where they live. They can even sample different courses and educational streams before settling on their preferred career choice.

The different online education platforms afford students fair and impartial access to learning resources and educational opportunities. This in turn creates a level playing field for success no matter where the student lives. 

Thanks to tablets and computers, students and teachers from any part of the world can interact, learn and share experiences. Technological advancement has made it easier for teachers to create their course materials and for the students to access them.

When we talk about students, this is not limited to schoolchildren or undergrads; professionals also need continuous education to advance their careers.  From tech courses such as Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Data science and analytics to customized courses such as KINEO COURSES for professionals. All are geared towards giving individuals access to the education or training that they need to succeed in their chosen careers.

Embracing Flexibility and Diversity through Online Education

Like we stated earlier, online education is not for only schoolchildren or teenagers. Professionals also have the opportunity to grow career wise through continuous learning; homemakers and people from all walks of life can also create their own study space and schedule all thanks to online learning platforms.

We will go ahead to discuss reasons why it is necessary to embrace online education:-


One of the major benefits of online education is flexibility. Teachers and students can set the pace at which they want to learn; additionally, they can set schedules that fit individual agendas. This in turn enables the participant to maintain a balance between their studies and work, removing the need to give up one for the other.

Online studies have helped a lot of people develop great time management skills by balancing their work life and studies. The common goal between the teacher and student goes a long way to encourage them to be more responsible and self-led.


Online education provides an opportunity for people to teach or study from any part of the world.  There’s no need for daily commutes or tight schedules; all that’s required is a tablet or computer and a strong internet connection. One can access the world from the comfort of their home through virtual classes.

Visit https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000231060 to see why accessibility to education is a development goal.

Wide Range of Courses and Programs

The internet is like a never ending fountain with lots of subjects and skills that one can learn or teach. Almost every university today has an online version of the traditional programs that they offer; no matter the course/program or level, you can find an online version.

Most people have the opportunity of earning a degree, certificate or diploma without attending a physical class on the school campus. There are so many professional certifications that abound with which people can advance their careers all from the comfort of their homes/offices. 

Personalized Learning Experience

In addition to the flexibility of online learning as regards setting the pace at which one wants to study, there is also the opportunity to customize the learning experience based on the individual’s ability and skill requirements.

Most online classes are usually smaller than traditional classrooms as per number of students. Some platforms even offer individual learning; this makes for a greater level of interaction between the student and teacher. The feedback process is also faster and more meaningful which makes learning faster.

Online classes adopt different materials for teaching. These materials include eBooks, videos and pictures. Sometimes teachers use discussions or forums to enhance the teaching process. These extra contents are readily available and can be accessed by the students whenever they need them.

Cost Effectiveness

Online education has proven to be more cost effective than traditional schooling. Most digital learning platforms provide different methods of payment for their students. Some allow them to pay per class/module or in instalments. This makes it easy for people who cannot afford full tuitions to find ways of managing the payments. 

Additionally, digital learning removes the need for commuting to and from classes thereby saving costs. Some class materials also come at no cost which in all makes e-learning a cost effective option which yields the same if not more dividends than physical class attendance. 


The benefit of digital education or e-learning is good enough reasons to embrace it wholly and integrate it into mainstream educational systems. We have discussed some basics of virtual education and we believe that the information we have shared here is enough to help you make an informed decision on adapting this form of education or not.