Home & Garden

The Most Stubborn Stains to Remove

  • Written by NewsServices.com

Stain removal is a regular reality in the homes of many, especially those who have either young children or pets --- or both! These stains come from all manner of sources, and appear everywhere you’d care to think: windows, carpets, clothing, furniture, hard flooring, outdoor spaces…it’s endless.

Below is a list of some of the most challenging stains that we face in everyday life that simply have to be cleaned:

1. Hard Water Stains

The best way to deal with these stains is to call up a professional hard water stains cleaner, of course, but there are things that you can do yourself if the situation is urgent. One classic method still used on these hard water stains is to mix together (slowly) baking soda and white vinegar until it forms a paste. You then spread that paste over the stained area and leave it for about 15-20 minutes for it to take action.

After waiting, you should then be able to wipe it clean with a dry microfiber towel. Don’t forget that what we often call hard water stains --- aka limescale, mineral deposits, etc. --- are caused by a buildup of residues that come from the water itself. It’s a much more common problem than people realise, but there’s no reason to panic, even if you can’t afford to call out the professionals for help.

2. Blood

We all have accidents at home, especially in the kitchen when preparing food. We can even cut our fingers on the seemingly the most fool-proof product designs such as open tins of food and their sharp lids! Blood can quickly drip from our finger or other body part right onto carpets, rugs, clothing that’s sitting nearby and it’s a real mess.

The key to removing blood is to first wash the stained area in cold water to first remove the signs of fresh blood. Pigments from the blood that soak further into any fabric will take further attacks with stain removers to remove. Enzyme-based stain removers work the best.

3. Faeces

Families with infants, badly trained pets, and unfortunate outbreaks of diarrhoea in the home, often have the displeasure of having to clean poop out of things. It’s one of the most unpleasant stains to remove from any kind of fabric or surface thanks to the smell and appearance, but also is highly stubborn. Liquid enzyme-based cleaners are the best choice for getting rid of these poop stains.

With pet droppings, it’s best not to scrub hard at any affected carpet as it will only rub the stain and contamination deeper into the fabris. Special pet stain products are available to help treat your carpets and rugs.

4. Ketchup

The world’s favourite condiment is also one of the most difficult to get out when it stains things, which is annoying because kids love to put it on everything and then take those things everywhere. The news doesn’t get any better if you’re more authentic and make real Italian-style tomato sauce. The key to removal is first soaking the affected area in cool water, before adding white vinegar in there to help loosen the offending particles. After a few minutes, you can then attack it with hot water and detergent and the stain should come away nicely.

5. Red Wine

Australia is a big wine country. It’s also one of the things people dread the most spilling on their clothing, carpets and furniture. A big spill is often followed by moments of despair as people see their possessions seemingly ruined by those deep-coloured stains…so wonderful in the glass, but positively terrorizing when out of the glass, no? You can attack red wine stains first with salt, which absorbs up the colour, followed by bathing it in cool water with some enzyme detergent, soaking it overnight if it’s clothing.